Lima, Peru was one of the cities hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. During phases I and II of lockdown, citizens under 12 and over 65 years of age were not allowed to enter markets, public spaces or public transportation, and their care was often left to the responsibility of women staying at home, limiting women’s free time and possibilities to carry out activities unrelated to the household. In later phases, those over 65 were only allowed to go outside for brief periods and only to exercise. When Peru entered phase III, a group of three women ventured out into Lima’s frigid ocean to practice open water swimming. They called themselves Las Truchas (“The Trout”). From the cold water they emerged transformed: the challenge, discipline and effort it took to swim helped heal the trauma derived from the pandemic, and they set out to arouse this sentiment in other women. In swimming together, they found solidarity, sisterhood and resilience.

By 2022, the group is included over 60 women between the ages of 16 and 73. As a “Trucha” I have documented transformative power of being a part of this group.

These fotos were produced with the support of National Geographic’s COVID 19 Emergency Fund for Journalists



A visual journey across Chile following communities of women who find sisterhood and solidarity in open waters.

This project was made possible through a grant from Women Photograph .


In times of crisis, women embody the spirit of the rainbow. Chile and Peru 2021-2022.



The central theme of this series of aerial portraits is connection. Taken during the pandemic, when a strong disconnect between community and nature prevails, schools of swimmers form in the water. Swimmers gather at sea, lagoons and rivers generating instances of resilience and freedom. The desire to stay afloat prevails, and the connection between people and between human beings and nature is strengthened.


The work is born from the photographic documentation of the group of swimmers Las Truchas, and the images take us on a journey across different bodies of water throughout Peru: from the Mar de Grau in front of the capital, through the waters of the Nanay River in the Amazon, visiting the Bay of Paracas, up to the warm waters of the Peruvian North Sea

This series was part of my first solo exhibition in La Rebelde gallery in Lima, Peru, 2022


*The word Cardumen translates to school of fish in Spanish

Rainbows are symbols of hope and of better times to come. In this series of aerial portraits groups of women convene at sea to embody the spirit of the rainbow in times of crisis. When partaking in these rainbows women connect with each other, with nature and become active symbols of hope, unity and community.

Peru and Chile

Ongoing project started in 2021